


AP-SOM-PEREZ-新闻 Feature 932x621.jpg


当Anevay Perez从南圣安东尼奥高中毕业的时候, 她成为了家里第一个获得高中文凭的人. 她是学生会主席,也是一位多才多艺的学生 向上三重奏 以优异成绩和奖学金毕业的学生. 她已被第一志愿的大学录取了, 纽约佩斯大学, 还以为她的学术道路已经确定了.

不幸的是, Anevay quickly realized that attending PACE University would not be an affordable option. 心情沉重, she decided to save money by staying local and enrolled at 的 University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥 (UTSA). 即使有奖学金的帮助, Anevay faced financial strain and made 的 difficult choice to withdraw from classes. She left UTSA without hope and committed to 的 workforce full-time to meet her basic needs.

During this time, Anevay continued to struggle with little to no income and experienced homelessness. She was a single mo的r to her 1-year-old daughter and dreamed of being able to go back to school so she could build a better future for her family. 她与 NXT水平这是一家青年机会中心,帮助她在那里注册 帕洛阿尔托学院 通过 AlamoPROMISE程序, a last-dollar scholarship that covers 100 percent of tuition and fees for eligible students.

在PAC, Anevay开始朝着一个 应用科学副学士 目标是成为一名有执照的美容师. 虽然她一开始只专注于这个项目, she soon realized that PAC provided a support system that drastically improved her college experience as an adult learner.

Anevay was paired with a TRIO advisor who helped her stay on track with her goals and achieve academic success. 她通过 阿拉莫的工作, earning a steady income working for 的 nonprofit organization Dress for Success. She also found a sense of community through student organizations such as Ascenders Catch 的 Next, PAC美容协会, 的 学生家长资源网, PAC学生生活.

尽管她几乎没有空闲时间, 阿尼薇想充分利用政治行动委员会为她提供的机会. 通过努力和奉献,她获得了3分.GPA 21,并成为了活跃的成员 PAC荣誉, 全国领导与成功学会,以及领导者. Determined to help o的r disadvantaged students find a path to success, Anevay became an 澳门新葡京博彩基金会学者大使 她在哪里倡导奖学金的重要性.

“AlamoPROMISE gave me 的 security and stability to enroll in a post-secondary education without worrying about finances. 我从来没有想过我会取得迄今为止所取得的一切成就, 没有他们的支持,我的成功是不可能的, 机会, resources provided to me through PAC and 的 澳门新葡京博彩区 (ACD),阿内维说.

She serves as a prime example of 的 great things that students can achieve when 的 financial burden of higher education has been removed. Through her personal experience at ACD she has been able to influence five of her 关闭 family members to return to college.

“Being an AlamoPROMSIE student at PAC has been one of 的 greatest 机会 that I have received. 它改变了我和我家人的生活. 我已经能够影响我的两个姐妹的入学, 两个堂兄弟, 和阿姨回到大学,以实现他们的学术和职业目标, which has drastically impacted my entire family to better 的ir circumstances and 机会,阿内维说.

在2024年8月ACD理事会会议上, Anevay was recognized as 的 AlamoPROMISE Student of 的 Month for her outstanding academic success and commitment to achieving her goals. Her future is bright as she continues to take prerequisite courses at PAC to participate in 的 new 运营管理专业应用技术学士学位. She also plans to continue in 的 2025 PAC Cosmetology Barber program to obtain a dual license and start her own business and full-service salon.

领奖时, Anevay expressed her gratitude for 的 second chance AlamoPROMISE provided for her.

“今天, I represent 的 success of a program like AlamoPROMISE and 的 impact that it has for a minority, 非传统的学生. 今天我站在你们面前,是一名有执照的美容师, 副学士, an aspiring leader of our community who can now build financial stability and provide a better quality of life for my daughter, 我自己, 还有我的家人. None of this would have been possible without 的 AlamoPROMISE程序,阿内维说.  


澳门新葡京博彩区, high quality education and affordable costs provide exceptional value to students and alumni who are major contributors to 的 economy and culture of 的 community.